
RAINVENTURES.CO.UK - Bringing Sustainable Water Use, Home.


Rain Gardens & Beyond


Are you a school, community or, educational setting looking to:

Introduce attractive, climate resilient planting areas

Create habitats & increase biodiversity

Include sensory garden features

Create opportunities for teachable moments

Support curriculum learning through nature

Improve your sustainability credentials

Contribute to responsible, sustainable rain water management in your local area

Or, just do more with your outdoor space?

Creative design can help you create interesting, multifunctional spaces that add interest and value to your setting.

Click for Rain Gardens for Schools PDF


The average home owner in the UK has something of a polar relationship with water specifically, rain.

 We lament the lack of it in hot, dry spells but, during extreme rainfall events, we're trying to keep it as far away from our homes and gardens as possible.

But, we need to rethink the traditional ideas around drainage. Those who are unfortunate enough to experience first hand the destructive tendencies of 'too much water' in and around their homes find themselves in the not-so-sweet spot between loss of permeable ground to development, our reluctance to embrace sustainable water management as a nation and a lack of infrastructure investment by those responsible for managing our water supplies.


Every little helps

Even by reducing run off from your site or garden, you help relieve some of the pressure on traditional drainage systems. 
You'll be creating a nicer, more interesting environment as well.

  • The use of rain gardens or planters, swales and other features that capture, slow and clean run off, allowing it to infiltrate back into the ground.
  • Encourage the active inclusion of ‘natural’ spaces within gardens - keeping impermeable surfaces to a minimum.  This also helps to support wildlife and promote a healthy local ecosystem.
  • Plant trees!  They are an important part of the water cycle.  Through evapotranspiration they bring up water from deep aquifers and en masse can contribute to creating rain in dry periods.
  • Consider the use and cycle of water on your site, using any opportunities for collection, recycling and attenuation where possible.



Read our recent article on Rain Gardens for creating climate resilience at:

  Muddy Stilettos Northants, Leicester and Rutland

Hannah Phillips is an APL accredited, professional garden designer and consultant specialising in SuDS and sustainable garden design.


  • When we intercept, catch and divert rainwater from falling onto natural, permeable ground, we effectively short circuit the water cycle.
  • This includes urban development which reduces the amount of permeable land available and reduces natural infiltration.
  • Historically, rainwater management is designed to speed water away through underground pipes and into storm drains or dual sewers, the effects of which, can be sewage ending up in rivers and natural water courses.
  • SuDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage) designed into new developments is a requirement in the UK but does not necessarily deal with the legacy of rainwater management.
  • While underground soakaways contribute to replenishing groundwater, even these can be a missed opportunity to generate more use and enjoyment from this important resource.
  • Climate change means, warmer wetter Winters, longer, drier spells in Summer.  We need to adjust our perception of water management and build in resilience to homes, gardens and the wider environment, to both extremes.


Learn More: Rain Gardens for Climate Resilience

Subscribe for a free information sheet about sustainable rain water design for your Garden

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